
morsning korsning. jag satt på lunchen och hade tråkigt så jag satt och läste scrubs-citat. jag ville skratta högt och gott men jag ville inte skämma ut mig så jag skrattar inombords istället. se bara vad goa dom är:

J.D (thinking):
I love my new tape recorder, I can record all my most important thoughts.
J.D (into his tape recorder): I like toast.

Janitor: I don't believe in the moon. I just think that it's the back of the sun.

Elliot: So, how do we find out Kelso's age
Ted: We pay 100 people ages 1 to 100 line them all up and see which one Kelso looks like.
Elliot: Oy...
Janitor: I say we cut off Kelso's legs and count the rings.
Elliot: That only works on trees.
Janitor: and puppets.

JD: You make it sound like we're married!
Turk: Dude, we're a little married.
JD: I know. I love it!

J.D: I had a tattoo once.
Turk: Dude, you got your face painted at the hospital picnic.
J.D: I was a cougar. RAWR.

J. D: I wish people would call me Tiger

godnatt, jag har matte igen om cirkus fyra minuter.
- h

Postat av: Bettan

haha. scrubs är väl för kul. jag skrattar också inombords. ;)

2009-05-05 @ 22:09:23

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